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resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

Christine has attended:
PowerPoint Introduction course


How do you create s drop down box in each colum e.g Yes, No

RE: excel - drop down boxes

Hi Christine,

Thanks for your question.

Select all the cells you want to have the 'yes/no' dropbox. ie. it might be the whole column.

Then go to Data menu -> Validation...

For the Alert setting, choose 'List' option.
Then, in the Source textbox, type yes,no (and any other values you want, with commas to separate.

Ensure the 'in-cell dropdown' checkbox is ticked, then press OK.

You will now get a drop-down box for each cell you have applied this validation to. You can also type 'yes' or 'no' when filling in these cells, but if you enter something else (eg. 'cat'), then Excel will give the user an error, and ask them to try again.

I hope this helps. See attached screenshot.

If this answer resolves your query, please mark the question as 'resolved' (see below). Otherwise, please post a follow-up response to this post, and I will assist you further.

Regards, Rich

Attached files...



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If you want to do a formula using the paste functions box press SHIFT + F3.

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