macro works bit

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Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2010

David has attended:
Excel VBA Advanced course

Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Hi there - hoping that someone can help me on a macro issue.

the macro i've written opens a csv file in a folder, copies over data into a "aggregated" workbook, does some transformations to this data, and closes the open csv file, and then moves on to the next csv. The macro finishes when all the csv files have been cycled through.

So I wrote this macro on a 32 bit computer, using microsoft office 2010. It worked fine on this. However when I updated my computer to 64 bit, I have been encountering issues. The macro still works on my colleague's computers (who have 32 bit computers), but not mine.

While the macro is running, it will close the aggregated workbook (which stops the code, as the macro is currently stored in that workbook), and reopen the workbook. And each time i run this macro, it will crash at what appears to be random times - e.g. sometimes after the 10th csv, sometimes after the 20th csv, and sometimes it wont crash at all and successfully completes the code.

So i don't believe i can trace the source of the error, as excel (and vba) closes and reopens as soon as it goes wrong. My guess is its something to do with 32/64 bit differences, or a memory issue.

It would be great to get some feedback on what the problem is, or even if you've got some suggestions on what might fix it. Really at a loose end here, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

I've listed all of the code below, just in case it's useful (sorry for large amount of it). Please let me know if i need to explain the problem further.

Thanks a lot,

Sub UploadAndTransCSV_STAOnly_parallel()

'Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1
'Application.EnableEvents = False

Dim folderpath As String
Dim filename As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim OutputFileName As String

OutputFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'check if an "ALLDATA" tab already exists.
'If so, ask the user if they would like to keep it and exit the macro, or replace it with newly imported data.

Dim sh1 As Worksheet
Dim flg1 As Boolean
For Each sh1 In Worksheets
If sh1.Name = "ALLDATA" Then flg1 = True: Exit For
If flg1 = True Then
MSG1 = MsgBox("An ALLDATA tab already exists - would you like to replace it with a new ALLDATA tab?", vbYesNo, "Yes")
If MSG1 = vbNo Then
MsgBox "Please rename the existing ALLDATA tab before running this macro"
GoTo Finish
End If
End If

Sheets.Add before:=Sheets(1)
Sheets(1).Name = "ALLDATA"

'select the folder in which the csv files are located

MsgBox "Please locate the folder containing the csv files to be transformed."

Dim fldr As FileDialog
Dim fldr_dir As String
Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With fldr
.Title = "Select a Folder"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = strPath
If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
fldr_dir = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
Set fldr = Nothing

'if the user pressed cancel, exit the macro

If fldr_dir = "" Then
MsgBox "A folder must be selected. Try again..."
GoTo Finish
End If

folderpath = fldr_dir & "\"

'flag if its the first CSV file or not; some operations are done only to the first csv, to set up the
'"ALLDATA" tab.

Dim FirstCSV As Boolean
FirstCSV = True

'Start cycling through the different CSV files

filename = Dir(folderpath & "*.csv")
Do While filename <> ""
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(folderpath & filename)

Dim tab_name As String
Dim new_vars_cnt As Integer
Dim exist_vars_cnt As Integer
Dim Observ_cnt As Integer
Dim XS_cnt As Integer

new_vars_cnt = 0
exist_vars_cnt = 0
Observ_cnt = 0

tab_name = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets(tab_name).Copy before:=Workbooks(OutputFileName).Sheets(1)

'count the number of new variabes to upload

new_vars_cnt = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(1)) - 1

'count the number of observations (time periods * cross sections)

Observ_cnt = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(1)) - 2

'If we are uploading the first CSV into the ALLDATA tab, then some extra data needs to be copied over

If FirstCSV = True Then

'copy over the entire cross section column, then count the number of cross sections
'do this by removing duplicates after copying over the cross section column

Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(2 + Observ_cnt, 1)).Copy
Cells(2, 1).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(2 + Observ_cnt, 1)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
Cells(2, 1).Select
XS_cnt = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count

'put the data row/column header names in the ALLDATA tab

Cells(1, 2).Value = "Transformation"
Cells(2, 2).Value = "Average Val"
Cells(2, 2).Copy
Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(1 + XS_cnt, 2)).Select
Cells(XS_cnt + 2, 1).Value = "Region Name"
Cells(XS_cnt + 2, 2).Value = "Observation"

'copy the cross section and observation columns over

Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(Observ_cnt + 2, 2)).Copy
Cells(XS_cnt + 3, 1).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

End If

'count the number of existing variables in the ALLDATA tab

exist_vars_cnt = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(2)) - 2

'copy the variable names over

Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells(2, new_vars_cnt + 2)).Copy
Cells(XS_cnt + 2, exist_vars_cnt + 3).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

'copy the transformations over

Range(Cells(1, 3), Cells(1, new_vars_cnt + 2)).Copy
Cells(1, exist_vars_cnt + 3).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

'calculate the averages for each cross section

Cells(2, exist_vars_cnt + 3).Value = "=AVERAGEIF(R" & XS_cnt + 3 & "C1:R" & (Observ_cnt + XS_cnt + 2) & "C1,RC1,'" & tab_name & "'!R3C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]:R" & (Observ_cnt + 2) & "C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "])"
Cells(2, exist_vars_cnt + 3).Copy
Range(Cells(2, exist_vars_cnt + 3), Cells(XS_cnt + 1, exist_vars_cnt + new_vars_cnt + 2)).Select

'paste the formulas as values

Range(Cells(2, exist_vars_cnt + 3), Cells(XS_cnt + 1, exist_vars_cnt + new_vars_cnt + 2)).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

'use a formula to transform the variables, either STA or SUB

Cells(XS_cnt + 3, exist_vars_cnt + 3).Value = "=IF('" & tab_name & "'!R[" & (XS_cnt * -1) & "]C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]<>"""", IF('" & tab_name & "'!R1C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]=""STA"",IFERROR('" & tab_name & "'!R[" & (XS_cnt * -1) & "]C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]/AVERAGEIF(R" & (XS_cnt + 3) & "C1:R" & (Observ_cnt + XS_cnt + 2) & "C1,RC1,'" & tab_name & "'!R3C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]:R" & (Observ_cnt + 2) & "C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]),0), '" & tab_name & "'!R[" & (XS_cnt * -1) & "]C[" & (exist_vars_cnt * -1) & "]), """")"
Cells(XS_cnt + 3, exist_vars_cnt + 3).Copy
Range(Cells(XS_cnt + 3, exist_vars_cnt + 3), Cells(XS_cnt + Observ_cnt + 2, exist_vars_cnt + new_vars_cnt + 2)).Select

'paste the formulas as values

Range(Cells(XS_cnt + 3, exist_vars_cnt + 3), Cells(XS_cnt + Observ_cnt + 2, exist_vars_cnt + new_vars_cnt + 2)).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

'tidying up...



filename = Dir
FirstCSV = False

'PART 2; STACKED TO PARALLEL *************************************************************************************

'count the number of existing variables in the ALLDATA tab

exist_vars_cnt = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ActiveWindow.Selection) - 2

'count the number of time periods

Dim periods_cnt As Integer
periods_cnt = Observ_cnt / XS_cnt

'start moving stuff across for each cross section

Dim x1 As Integer

For x1 = 2 To XS_cnt
'move the averages across
Range(Cells(1 + x1, 3), Cells(1 + x1, 2 + exist_vars_cnt)).Cut
Cells(2, 3 + (x1 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt).Select
'move the data across
Range(Cells(3 + XS_cnt + periods_cnt * (x1 - 1), 3), Cells(2 + XS_cnt + periods_cnt * x1, 2 + exist_vars_cnt)).Cut
Cells(XS_cnt + 3, 3 + (x1 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt).Select
'copy over the transformations
Range(Cells(1, 3), Cells(1, 2 + exist_vars_cnt)).Copy
Cells(1, 3 + (x1 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt).Select
Next x1

For x2 = 1 To XS_cnt
'create the new variable names (including cross section reference)
Cells(3, 3 + (x2 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt).Value = "=LEFT(R[" & (x2 - 2) & "]C1, 1)&""_""&R" & (XS_cnt + 2) & "C[" & (-1 * (x2 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt) & "]"
Cells(3, 3 + (x2 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt).Copy
Range(Cells(3, 3 + (x2 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt), Cells(3, 2 + x2 * exist_vars_cnt)).Select
Range(Cells(3, 3 + (x2 - 1) * exist_vars_cnt), Cells(3, 2 + x2 * exist_vars_cnt)).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Next x2

Dim RowsDelete As String

RowsDelete = "4:" & XS_cnt + 2

'delete the excess dates

Range(Cells(4 + periods_cnt, 1), Cells(3 + periods_cnt * XS_cnt, 1)).Delete

Cells(4, 2).Select
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True


Application.ReferenceStyle = xlA1
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

RE: Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Hi David

Thanks for getting in touch. It's probably going to take a little tracking down, this one. I'm with you in that it could be a memory error.

Let's start with the crash - what happens? Is there an error message? Or does Excel just stop working?

I'm also wondering if different folders are a problem - do some folders have unusual CSV files in that create issues? Or a lot of them?

I haven't executed the code but it looks to me that it opens all the files simultaneously and then works on them - is this the case or does it open one file, perform the operation, then close and move on to the next one? This could soak up a lot of memory.

Let's start with these questions and see where it goes.

Kind regards

Gary Fenn
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
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London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector

RE: Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Hi Gary, thanks for the quick reply!

When excel crashes, excel (and visual basic) completely closes, and then reopens. There is no error message. A document recovery option appears on the left hand side, for an excel file which has just been created. If I open that up, then i get an my 'aggregated' workbook, displaying what is should do part way through the macro.

The macro currently works by constantly opening and closing all of the csv files in a specified folder, in cycle. So it will start by opening the first csv file, performing some operations with it, closing that csv file, then moving onto the next csv file. So assuming all irrelevant workbooks are closed when the code is run, there are never more than 2 workbooks open.

Regarding the folder with the csvs, there are around 150 csvs in a single folder (though i've tried the code with a folder with much fewer csvs), with no other file types in that folder. I am pretty sure all of the csvs are of the same format - they have all been created in the same way.

Also each time i have tested the code, it seems to crash in a different place, and sometimes works perfectly. So as a result i'd guess it's not a data input problem.

Thanks a lot,

RE: Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Hi David

Thanks for your reply. I'm struggling to debug this one. Would it be possible to email me a sample of the CSV input? I have 32- and 64-bit OSes to test. Also is there anything else in the source workbook I need to execute this?

My address is

Kind regards

Gary Fenn
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
Best STL -
98%+ recommend us

London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector

RE: Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Hi Gary,

I've just emailed you some examples of the csv files that are used in the macro.

Thanks a lot,

RE: Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Forgot to say - the source workbook starts as a blank workbook, so there's nothing else you need to execute the code.

RE: Macro works on 32 bit, but not on 64 bit

Hi David

Thanks for the files. I haven't managed to replicate the issue, nor cracked it yet, but I wanted to point you in the direction of some articles I've been reading and experimenting with.

There appears to be some memory addressing compatibility issues between the 32- and 64-bit versions. These articles discuss those differences and how you should address them. There's discussion of the Declare keyword (which I'll admit I've never come across before):


Maybe if two of us are looking at it we'll get to the answer faster!

I'll be in touch if I figure something out. The biggest problem for me at the moment is I can't cause the crash.

Kind regards

Gary Fenn
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
Best STL -
98%+ recommend us

London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector

Fri 12 Jul 2013: Automatically marked as resolved.


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