manipulate excel worksheet colum

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Manipulate Excel worksheet columns from Access | Access forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2010

Andrew has attended:
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Manipulate Excel worksheet columns from Access

I am importing data from an Excel workbook into an Access table. A straight import works fine. Because of new requirements I now need to swap the worksheet columns around prior to import. i.e. column E needs to be in column A, A needs to be in H, B needs to be in F etc., etc. before the import can take place.(I have to leave the Access import routine as standard.) I am trying to grab a column at a time and write it to a new worksheet in its required column position. I have tried different techniques that I downloaded from various forums but they don't work. Is there actually a way of doing this without having to process a cell at a time ? (It has to done from within the Access form/code without the user being aware of the processing). I would be very grateful for any advice. Thanks.

RE: manipulate Excel worksheet columns from Access

Hi Andrew

Thanks for getting in touch. There's a few methods you could use, but arguably the simplest would involve recording. You could record cutting a column and pasting it into it's new location. You'll get code like this:

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight

Once you have recorded the process you can work on optimising it to speed it up. So the above would become:

Columns("D:D").Insert Shift:=xlToRight

Kind regards

Gary Fenn
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

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