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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Jay has attended:
Excel Advanced course


what is hyperlink and why is it used

RE: Hyperlink

Hi Jay

thank you for your questiond and your patience.

Most Office documents allow the creation of hyperlinks. A hyperlink is usually some text or an object (a picture for example) that when clicked re-directis the user.

The idea is the same as following links on a website.

In Excel a hyperlink can take the user to a new file, internet (or intranet) location. It can also take the user to a different tab.

To create a hyperlink in Excel click on the cell that will contain the link or click on the picture that the user will click click and from the Insert ribbon choose Hyperlink. The Dialogue box will let you specify the words the user will see and also the destination - whether it is a tab in the workbook, a web page or a file. Once you OK out of your dialogue box the link is ready to work. You will see that when you hover over the new link the mousepointer changes shape indicating it is a link.

To edit or remove a link right click and choose the appropriate option from the menu.

I hope this helps - let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Mon 29 Oct 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Wrapping Text in a Cell in an Excel 2010 Workbook

When you have a lot of text you want to put in a particular cell but you can't decrease the font size to fit because the text will then become ineligible, then manually wrap the text in a cell by simply pressing ALT+ENTER.

View all Excel hints and tips

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