macro create age bands

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Macro to create age bands from an age field | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

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Macro to create age bands from an age field

I want create a macro that I can keep in my personal workbook to create 5 year age bands from a field that has the age. So I'd want ages 0-4, 5-9,...,80-84, 85+.

I have to do this calculation an awful lot so it would be handy to have this macro ready and waiting but the field with the ages in won't necessarily be the same column all the time.

Can this be done?

RE: Macro to create age bands from an age field

Hi Sarah, thanks for your query. It's a little difficult to create something specific without seeing your source data, but the following code should give you a few pointers on how to achieve the results you want.

First of all, select the cells with the ages in, then run the code. It will loop through the selected cells, categorising them and writing the categories into Column A of Sheet2. I've only put two categories into the code, you will have to complete the rest. It's very rough and ready, and I would probably develop this by switching to using Select Case. I would also customise to your data by writing the categories into the specific column and worksheet you want. Anyway, here is the code:


Sub categorise_me()

Dim curcell As Range
Dim cellcount As Integer
cellcount = 1

For Each curcell In Selection

If curcell.Value > 0 And curcell.Value < 5 Then

Sheets("Sheet2").Range("a1").Cells(cellcount, 1).Value = "0-4"
cellcount = cellcount + 1

End If

If curcell.Value > 5 And curcell.Value < 10 Then

Sheets("Sheet2").Range("a1").Cells(cellcount, 1).Value = "5-10"
cellcount = cellcount + 1

End If

Next curcell

End Sub


Hope this helps,



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