binary macro

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Binary Macro

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2010

Salmana has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Binary Macro


I have a spreadsheet with over 60,000 datapoints. Some cells are actual figures indicated by black, regular font. Some are estimated values which have been distinguished by making the cell italic red font.

I need to create a binary file - changing all the estimated cells into a 1, and all the actual figures into a 0.

Could you please suggest a model for a macro that might make this easier?

The data sits in cells C2:DU584 on sheet 1 of the Excel workbook.

Many thanks,


RE: Binary Macro

Hi Salmana, thanks for your query. The following subroutine should do the trick:


sub converttobinary

Dim myrows As Integer
Dim mycolumns As Integer

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

myrows = ActiveSheet.Range("c2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
mycolumns = ActiveSheet.Range("c2").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count

For rowloop = 1 To myrows

For columnloop = 1 To mycolumns

If ActiveSheet.Range("c2").Cells(rowloop, columnloop).Font.Color = 255 Then

ActiveSheet.Range("c2").Cells(rowloop, columnloop).Value = 1


ActiveSheet.Range("c2").Cells(rowloop, columnloop).Value = 0

End If

Next columnloop

Next rowloop

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

end sub


Hope this helps,


RE: Binary Macro

Dear Anthony,

Many thanks for this.

When I run this an error comes up saying 'Variable not defined' highlighting the text 'rowloop'.

Would I just need to define this as Dim rowloop As Integer?

Best wishes,


RE: Binary Macro

Ah, you have Option Explicit turned on on your machine and quite right too. Add these two variable declarations below the ones already in place:

Dim rowloop As Integer
Dim columnloop As Integer


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Tue 24 May 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

Freeze Rows and Columns to keep lables displayed

You can freeze rows and columns in your worksheet so they don't move.

This allows you to keep row and column labels displayed on your screen as you move through a large worksheet.

Click below and/or to the right of the cell(s) you want to freeze. (NB. Excel freezes ALL the rows above and ALL the columns to left of the selected cell)

Click on the 'Windows' menu and selct 'Freeze Panes'.

Lines appear in your worksheet. The required rows and columns are frozen and remain on your screen as you move through your worksheet.

To unfreeze rows and columns, click on 'Window' menu and select 'Unfreeze Panes'.

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