comparing data different formats

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Comparing data in different formats

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Jemima has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Comparing data in different formats

I need to compare data from two different sources that are in different formats - I basically have the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy and the date in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

I need to check if these match, along with two other variables and then output the data onto a new sheet (bearing in mind the two other variables are text and may also have slight differences).

I have inherited the code below which I think does what I am trying to achieve but there is no explanation with it, and as I am relatively new to VBA it's like trying to figure out another language. Any help/guidance would be appreciated!

If StrComp(GSMCell(i, cGSMHomeTeamName), Mid(RBCell(j, cRBHomeTeamName), 1, Len(RBCell(j, cRBHomeTeamName)) - 3), vbTextCompare) = 0 And StrComp(GSMCell(i, cGSMAwayTeamName), Mid(RBCell(j, cRBAwayTeamName), 1, Len(RBCell(j, cRBAwayTeamName)) - 3), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

rbDate = CDate(Left(RBCell(j, cRBMatchDate), 10))

If (Abs(rbDate - gsmDate) < 1.5) Then

rbHomeScore = CInt(RBCell(j, cRBHomeTeamScore))
rbAwayScore = CInt(RBCell(j, cRBAwayTeamScore))

If gsmHomeScore = rbHomeScore And gsmAwayScore = rbAwayScore Then
checkFlag = 0
checkFlag = 1
End If
matchFlag = 1
Exit For
End If

RE: Comparing data in different formats

Sorry, just another question that's quite similar to the above...

I need to compare the text that is in Columns B and C on Sheet 1, with text that is is columns C and E on Sheet 2. However, as the text between the two sheets is in a different format (they may have 2 or 3 extra letters at the beginning or end of the main text), i need to somehow cut these to make the text comparable.

If these are a match, I then need to copy the data from sheet 2 to sheet 1 but nothing I've tried seems to work correctly.

Hopefully this clarifies the above a little!

Thank you


Edited on Fri 10 Jun 2011, 11:48

RE: Comparing data in different formats

Hi Jemima

I'm trying to decipher your code :-)

And even If I don't undestand exactly the first string comparation I found what it looks like a big mistake at the end of it:

Where it says Exit For it looks like it should be End IF

Is this the whole code or there is other part that you didn't copied?

There are three IFs and only 2 End Ifs

so the first thing should be to change this Exit For for End IF and check if works.

If StrComp(GSMCell(i, cGSMHomeTeamName), Mid(RBCell(j, cRBHomeTeamName), 1, Len(RBCell(j, cRBHomeTeamName)) - 3), vbTextCompare) = 0
And StrComp(GSMCell(i, cGSMAwayTeamName), Mid(RBCell(j, cRBAwayTeamName), 1, Len(RBCell(j, cRBAwayTeamName)) - 3), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

rbDate = CDate(Left(RBCell(j, cRBMatchDate), 10))

If (Abs(rbDate - gsmDate) < 1.5) Then

rbHomeScore = CInt(RBCell(j, cRBHomeTeamScore))
rbAwayScore = CInt(RBCell(j, cRBAwayTeamScore))

If gsmHomeScore = rbHomeScore And gsmAwayScore = rbAwayScore Then
checkFlag = 0
checkFlag = 1
End If
matchFlag = 1
Exit For
End If

Pedro F. Pardo


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