delete bottom rows

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Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2000

Davinder has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table


I have a spreadsheet with a number of fields of data in a tabular format. New entries are constantly added to the bottom of this table increasing the total number of rows in the table. I need to create a macro in VBA which automatically identifies the bottom 3 rows in the spreadsheet and then deletes them. I understand that I need to identify the bottom 3 rows of the range of data and then use a delete command to remove these rows but I am not sure of the code that I need to use. Please can you advise how I go about creating the code to do this.

Thank you.

RE: Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table

Hi Davinder,

Thank you for your question.

Try this bit of code on some test data first and make sure it is doing exactly what you wanted. It will prompt and ask you how many rows need to be deleted. The default has been set to three relating to your request.

Sub TrimAllSheets()

Dim cs As String
cs = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim y As Integer
y = Application.InputBox("How many bottom rows do you wish to delete?", _
Default:=3, Type:=1) 'Change default number (3) if desired.
If MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to delete " & y & " rows from the bottom of ALL sheets?", _
vbYesNo, "Trim ALL Sheets") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim r As Range, s As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next 'Error handler
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(-y + 1)
Set s = ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp)
If ActiveCell.Row < 10 Then GoTo circumv 'Not to delete Headers
Range(r, s).EntireRow.Delete
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

I hope this answers your question.

Let me know.



Edited on Thu 3 Feb 2011, 19:20

RE: Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table

Hi Simon,

Thanks for this, this is great however this solution takes it one step further than I need to go. I don't want it to prompt me to ask me how many rows to delete, I just want it to remove the bottom 3 lines each time as soon as I run the macro. I like the idea that it prompts you to check whether you really want to delete the rows but if you could confirm how the code needs to be amended so it always removes just the bottom 3 lines that would be great!

I also just need it to remove the bottom 3 rows in sheet 1 only and none of the other sheets.

Many thanks,


RE: Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table

Hi Davinder,

Just a quick addition to the last email the code deletes the last three rows from every sheet in the workbook so you can adapt the code and remove the references relating to the looping procedure that loops through all the sheets.



RE: Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table

Hi Davinda,

Try this code.

Sorry for the delay but work has been manic.
Sub DeleteLastThreeRows()


Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(-2).Resize(3).EntireRow.Select


End Sub

When you run the macro make sure the sheet1 is active and you must be in a cell in the data.

Test it first on some sample data.



RE: Delete the bottom 3 rows in a table

Hi Simon this is good - but is there anyway I can get this to work without having to select a cell that is apart of the table range. I.e. I want the code to automatically identify where the data is and remove the last 3 lines.



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