option explicit possible problem

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Option Explicit possible problem

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Robert has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Option Explicit possible problem

When writing code in today's course Option Explicit even though on did not seem to stop non existent variables being used.

Is this a problem of the machines used or is it a wider problem.

RE: Option Explicit possible problem

Hi Bob, thanks for your query. We are still investigating this and believe it to be a consequence of running two versions of Excel on the same machine. Some misspelt variables appear to be declared as variants when they should be trapped by Option Explicit. We believe this to be a problem for us on our training machines rather than an application error but if you spot it happening elsewhere let us know on the forum.

All the best,


Tue 8 Feb 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

New to Excel 2010 - Sparklines!

Excel 2010 includes a new feature called Sparklines which are tiny charts that fit into a single cell and plot data in cells from the worksheet. There are a host of formatting and styles that can be applied to them and they are really quite interesting.

>Choose any style you want

You will be asked for the range and it will automatically select the cell your in to insert the sparklines.

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