excel advanced

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Excel Advanced

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Celia has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course

Excel Advanced

What is an INDIRECT formula and where can I find the online training manual. thank you.

RE: Excel Advanced

Hi Celia,

Thank you for your question.

The Indirect function allows the creation of a formula by referring to the contents of a cell, rather than the cell reference itself.

The indirect formula can be used to retrieve data using both text strings and cell references.

Please find the following link with some examples:


If you go to stl-training.co.uk and click Delegate Sign In in the top right of the window. Enter the email address from your evaluation along with the four digit password that was assigned to you after the training evaluation.

Once logged in, go to the last tab and find the relevant course and click on the appropriate zipped folder to download the contents which include the Reference manual.

I hope this answers your question.



RE: Excel Advanced

thank you for your assistance, if i have any further queries I'll be in touch.


Excel tip:

Adding date and time

Here are two quick ways to add the date and time to your spreadsheet:

1) Type =NOW(), which displays both date and time in the same cell
2) Hold Ctrl and type the colon (:) into one cell for the date and the semi-colon(;)into another for the time.

Note that =NOW() updates to the current date/time whenever the spreadsheet recalculates.

View all Excel hints and tips

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