sequenced numbering

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Sequenced numbering

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2003

Janice has attended:
Excel Introduction course

Sequenced numbering

I have a column of numbers, i.e. 502, 503, 504 etc. What formula would I use for that column so that when I click in the next cell and drag the 'cross' downwards, the numbers will automatically increase. when I tried it, I got the same number each time and not the next one following.

RE: sequenced numbering

Hi Janice

Thank you for your question. It may be that Excel is not able to confidently predict your sequence. You can help it by highlighting two values (e.g. 503 and 504) then using drag fill. This usually is enough to let Excel continue the sequence for you.

I hope this helps - let me know how you get on.

Kind regards,

RE: sequenced numbering

Thanks, I'll give it a try.


Excel tip:

Use the SUBTOTAL function in Excel

You can create subtotals in your spreadsheet using the SUBTOTAL function, which looks like this:


9 represents the function being used (SUM), followed by the range of cells the function is operating on.

The neat thing about using the Subtotal function is that if you have used it several times in the same column or row, clicking on the AutoSum button at the end of the column or row will make Excel add only the results of cells containing the Subtotal function in that column or row.

View all Excel hints and tips

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