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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Jean has attended:
Excel Advanced course


Please could you go over how to create/use look up again!


Hi Jean

Thank you for your question. The basic VLOOKUP function is structured as follows:

VLOOKUP(Lookup Value, Table array, Column index number, Range lookup)

The components are:

Lookup Value
This is the input cell or value that Excel will look for in the first column of your selected table of data.

Table array
This is the block of cells that contains the data to be search and the values to be returned after Excel has found the Lookup Value. The first column of the block is the key field. Excel will look for a record that matches the Lookup Value in the first column.

Column index number
This is the number of the column that contains the value Excel should return when it finds a record matching the Lookup Value. Numbering starts from the first column of the table array (not necessarily the first column of your worksheet).

Range lookup
Set to either True (find approximate match or FALSE find exact match. If you know one record will match your Lookup value then set to False. If omitted VLOOKUP assumes TRUE.

I hope this helps describe the way a vlookup works. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Wed 17 Feb 2010: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Difference between Two Dates

The DATEDIF function computes the difference between two dates. The DATEDIF function is as follows:

=DATEDIF (Date1,Date2,Interval)

Please note that Date1 must be less than (earlier) or equal to Date2

Please note that Interval must be one of the following codes: "d" (in days), "m" (in months), "y" (in years) expressed in quotes

View all Excel hints and tips

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