logical functions

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Logical Functions

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

Ayo has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Logical Functions

When do I know to use the IF, AND, OR, IFAND, IFOR functions

RE: Logical Functions

Hello Ayo

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

If you are new to using these functions, it really is a matter of practicing using them so that you get used to how they work.

Here is a short summary of the functions you mentioned:

1. IF function: used to get Excel to test/evaluate one cell, then based on the outcome of the evaluation (true or false), Excel will then decide between two different alternatives to enter into the cell. The two alternatives may be text, value or formula based.

2. AND function: used to test multiple cells (up to 30) - if each test is evaluated as true, then the outcome of the function is true; otherwise the outcome is false. In other words, all of the tests must be met in order for the outcome to be true.

3. OR function: again used to test multiple cells (up to 30) - if at least one of the tests is evaluated as true, then the outcome of the function is true. If none of the tests are evaluated as true, then the outcome will be false.

4. Combining (nesting) the AND or OR function within an IF function allows Excel to test multiple cells (rather than just a single cell) before it decides the outcome of the evaluation (true or false).

I hope this helps.

Kind regards

RE: Logical Functions

Thank you Amanda, a nice summary and very helpful.

Kind regards


Tue 13 Oct 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Editing a formula quickly

If you want to edit a fomrula or text quickly witin a cell instead of the formula bar, you can click either double click in the cell or press the F2 key

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