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Filtering & sorting a table while accessing it | Excel forum
Resolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003
Rob has attended:
Excel VBA Advanced course
Filtering & sorting a table while accessing it
I have recently attended the advanced VBA course with Stephen Williams and I have successfully accessed data from an Access database and moved it to a new sheet in a new workbook. My next big problem is to filter and sort the data before it is carried into the new sheet (per the example used in the course), as the database is largely not applicable to the dataset I am working with and is too large to for a 2003 excel sheet. The question is how do I filter the and sort the data, more specifiocally what is the form of the syntax and where is it presented? Here is an extract of my script.
Sub GetData()
Const CString As String = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=X:\MAD\MAD2009.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Const SQL As String = _
"SELECT CompanyCode, AccountCode, AccountName, CentreCode, CentreName, Level3Code, Level3Desc, Type, YTD_Ccy FROM tblPvtLink"
Dim cnConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim rstRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Set cnConnection = New ADODB.Connection
cnConnection.ConnectionString = CString
Set rstRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
Call rstRecordset.Open(SQL, cnConnection)
With rstRecordset
If .BOF And .EOF Then
MsgBox "There are no records"
Exit Sub
End If
Call ClearCollection
Do While Not .EOF
Set aDataProd = New CODAProdDataSource
aDataProd.dbCompanyCode = .Fields("CompanyCode")
aDataProd.dbAccountCode = .Fields("AccountCode")
aDataProd.dbAccountName = .Fields("AccountName")
aDataProd.dbCentreCode = .Fields("CentreCode")
aDataProd.dbCentreName = .Fields("CentreName")
aDataProd.dbLevel3Code = .Fields("Level3Code")
aDataProd.dbLevel3Desc = .Fields("Level3Desc")
aDataProd.dbType = .Fields("Type")
aDataProd.dbYTD_Ccy = .Fields("YTD_Ccy")
Call theDataProd.Add(aDataProd)
End With
End Sub
RE: Filtering & sorting a table while accessing it
Hi Rob
Thank you for your question
To filter the data I suggest using a Where clause in the SQL. The syntax of this is typically
SELECT * FROM table Where field = value
You can also sort it by using the Order by clause
SELECT * FROM table Where field = value Order By Field
For example
SELECT * FROM Employees where Department = 'Maintenance' Order By FirstName
Hope this helps
RE: Filtering & sorting a table while accessing it
Hi Stephen,
Thanks that works, but when I try to filter by more than one field say...
SELECT CompanyCode, CentreCode, Level3Code, YTD_Ccy FROM tblPvtLink WHERE CompanyCode = 'MAINCO' & CentreCode = '7302' ORDER BY Level3Code
I get an error so I'm assuming the error is to do with the sytax from the & sign...
Can you help?
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