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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Hyacinth has attended:
Excel Advanced course


how do i put subtotals in?

RE: excel

Hi Hyacinth

Thank you for your question.

Click in your data and from the Data menu choose Subtotals. Specify what will trigger the subtotal behaviour and if required where totals should be calculated and click OK.

To remove the subtotal go back to Data > subtotals and click the remove button.

I hope this helps - do let us know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Thu 12 Feb 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Sum Up All the Values in A Column

If you want to quickly calculate the Summed values of all cells in a column in Excel 2003 normally you would use the SUM formula. (eg if you wanted to calculate the values in Column C rows 10 to 25) the formula would be:


However, if you keep adding values to column C you would keep having to modify the above SUM formula which can get quite annoying.

To get around this you can sum all the values in a column using the following formula:


Which, in our example, would be:


NOTE You cannot place this formula in column C, or else Excel 2003 will show a circular reference error.

The formula must be placed in any other column, EXCEPT the one being calculated.

View all Excel hints and tips

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