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Benefits of Virtual Classroom Training

Are you considering virtual classroom training? Do you have questions about how it will work in practice? Wondering if it’s the right training solution for you?

Hear from our specialist training team about the unique set-up of our virtual classroom sessions and how they can benefit you as you work from home.

Easy access from the comfort of your own home

Our virtual classroom sessions are a full day training course, broken into bite-sized learning sessions with regular comfort breaks to stretch those legs and keep topped up with coffee. To get involved all you need is a PC/laptop with audio and camera!

We provide several options for those that have technology limitations, and also allow some flexibility to help you balance the training with childcare.

“Many of our delegates are dealing with managing their work at home and several other priorities, but luckily us trainers are experts in patience and so will do our best to accommodate!”
– Dennis, Microsoft Office Trainer

Ask questions and learn new skills in a relaxed setting

In the virtual classroom we encourage using video feed to maximise non-verbal communication and interaction.


Small group sizes mean that there are also lots of opportunities to ask questions. In fact, your trainer will be constantly asking you questions throughout the day so you can’t get away with daydreaming!

“Interestingly I’ve found that participants are immediately extremely comfortable and relaxed when they join the virtual classroom. I guess because they are in their own home with a nice cup of tea. It means that we can very quickly get the session off to a great start, with lots of discussion and participation from the very beginning.”
– Gregory, Professional Development Trainer

Interactive and fun

Quiz question from virtual classroom

Our trainers use a variety of activities to keep you engaged throughout the day. These can range from quizzes and interactive whiteboards, to team competitions, personal reflection worksheets and skill practice sessions.

Our trainers also tend to have larger than life personalities, so if you’re expecting to get bored then think again!

“Our natural enthusiasm for the topics we teach help us to build rapport and keep everyone engaged, even with highly technical concepts. I just love getting people excited about Power BI!”
– Jens, Power BI Trainer

Connect with others in similar positions

An issue many employees suddenly face now they work remotely is the effects of isolation and loneliness. Luckily, our virtual classroom trainings give you the opportunity to get together virtually and connect with like-minded people. The sessions really are a great chance to share common challenges, brainstorm and even solve problems.

“During the session we encourage peer-to-peer learning, so it isn’t simply a lecture from your trainer. We particularly focus on helping you apply the skills and knowledge to real-life work scenarios – whether those scenarios are remote working or one day in the future when we get back to the office.”
– Alastair, Management Skills Trainer

Support before, during and after your virtual classroom session

Our admin team work very hard behind the scenes to ensure our virtual classroom sessions run smoothly.

Before training:

  • Test your set-up using a ‘test virtual classroom’
  • Talk to our support team to troubleshoot issues and answer questions

During the training:

  • Your dedicated support trainer will be available all day to assist alongside the lead trainer in the virtual classrooms
  • This includes answering questions in the chat window and even stepping in if there are technical issues

After the training:

Attendance to a virtual classroom session gives you access to:

  • The course manual and any post-course exercises
  • STL blog and video library, crammed full of productivity tips and tricks direct from our training team
  • STL delegate support forum, where you can post a question and one of our trainers will respond within approx. 24 hours

How do I find out more?

If you like what you hear, take a look at our course catalogue and speak to one of our Learning Solutions Advisors, who will be able to recommend the right virtual classroom option for you, maybe try out our Virtual Train the Trainer course and discover how you too can deliver great virtual training.

Happy learning!