Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Data can be a powerful tool for driving business decisions, but a ‘sea of totally unrelated data’, when presented, can confuse your audience. However,  you can make a huge impact by  presenting that data clearly, using captivating visuals that tell a compelling story.

This guide will equip you with the skills to leverage the data visualisation tools readily available in Excel, turning your presentations from forgettable to phenomenal. By the end, you’ll be confidently creating stunning charts that impress your clients and leave a lasting impact.

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

From Bland to Boardroom-Ready: The Power of Storytelling with Charts

Have you ever endured a presentation where the data resembled a scrambled mess on a spreadsheet? Confusing your audience with an avalanche of numbers is a recipe for lost attention and diluted messages.

The good news is that clear and impactful communication doesn’t require complex solutions. By utilising Excel’s data visualisation tools, you can transform your presentations into engaging narratives that inform, persuade and inspire your clients.

Think of your data as the building blocks of a story, and charts as your visuals. These visuals guide your audience through a logical narrative, making complex information easier to digest.

For instance, a marketing team presenting social media engagement metrics could ditch the bullet points and pie charts. Instead, a well-designed line graph could highlight follower growth across various platforms over time. This not only presents the data but also allows the team to delve into specific strategies that drove successful campaigns – see below:

Line Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Tailoring Charts for Maximum Impact

Understanding your audience is crucial for effective data visualisation. Consider their level of data literacy and tailor your charts accordingly.

For audiences unfamiliar with complex charts, bar graphs and pie charts offer a clear and concise way to grasp key information. For example, if you are presenting sales figures to regional managers, a bar chart comparing sales growth across different territories would be an excellent choice, allowing for easy comparison and quick identification of top performers or areas requiring improvement. See Bar and Pie charts below – Note the same data is used but each chart type presents a different perspective:

Bar Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Pie Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

For more experienced viewers, consider using scatter plots or heat maps to reveal deeper relationships within the data. A financial analyst presenting risk assessments might utilise a scatter plot to demonstrate the correlation between stock prices and market volatility.

Scatter Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Always prioritise clarity over complexity. An overloaded chart can be confusing and counterproductive.

Excel: Your Gateway to Charting Mastery

Excel boasts a comprehensive selection of chart types, allowing you to present your data in the most impactful way possible. Whether you need to display trends over time, highlight comparisons between categories, or reveal correlations, there’s a chart in Excel suited to your needs.

Sunburst Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Histogram Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Waterfall Chart

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Beyond choosing the right chart type, Excel empowers you to customise every aspect of your visuals. From colour palettes and fonts to data labels and gridlines, you can ensure your charts are not only informative but also visually appealing.

A strategic use of colour can significantly enhance the readability and impact of your charts. Imagine a sales manager presenting monthly revenue figures. Instead of a bland line chart, they could use a colour gradient to represent different sales targets. This would allow viewers to instantly see which sale at a particular point in time exceeded expectations and which fell short – see below:

Create Stunning Charts in Excel and Impress Your Clients

Conclusion: From Dull to Dazzling: The Final Brushstrokes

By harnessing the power of data visualisation in Excel, you can transform dry data points into a captivating story that informs, engages, and inspires your clients. Craft a clear narrative, tailor your charts to your audience, and leverage Excel’s customisation features. Remember, a well-designed chart is worth a thousand spreadsheets.

The next time you’re preparing a presentation, ditch the text-heavy slides and embrace the magic of data visualisation. Leave your clients with a clear understanding and a lasting impression.

Further Reading:

If you’ve found this useful, and you want to learn more about the topic, feel free to read on!

Excel or Power BI. Which is Better for Business Reporting? – Blog


Landing Your Dream Role

Being successful at a job interview is a hurdle we all face at some point.

By adopting the right strategies, you can transform this nerve-wracking experience into an opportunity to showcase your talent and secure the role of your dreams.

landing your dream role - being successful at interviews

Preparation is Power

Imagine sitting an exam unprepared.

How do you think you would do? You might just pass, but could you have done better?

If that was a job interview, what impression do you want to leave with the interviewer? If you get offered the job, the level of benefits or salary offered may well depend upon how well you did at the interview and the impression you left.

Preparation is key and will provide you with the confidence to make the best of your opportunity. Invest time in researching the company. Delve into their mission statement, core values, and recent achievements.

Do you know who will be on the panel? What can you find out about them and their past roles, likes and dislikes? The more you know, the more opportunities you have to give relevant examples and be successful at rapport building. It also means you can ask relevant questions, and demonstrates a genuine interest and preparation – qualities that every employer values.

Anticipate the questions that might be asked. These might be about how you fit the needs of the role or about your past. Prepare and rehearse your responses to these. Some website store copies of questions and reviews on peoples interview experiences with companies. Use these as a guide, things can change, so don’t let them cloud your judgement, especially if your research shows otherwise!

Practice means you will come across as natural. While a certain level of nerves are expected, employers will want to be sure that they hire a confident, rather than overly nervous employee! Being able to clearly articulate your thoughts and experiences under pressure is key to making a strong impression.

Try role-playing with a friend or family member can also help hone your communication skills and build confidence. Ideally, someone who does not know the role or industry will help as they will identify issues that someone who knows the role well, might not.

landing your dream role - being successful at interviews

Making a Strong First Impression

You only get one chance to make a first impression! Arriving early for your interview shows respect for the interviewer’s valuable time and highlights your organisational skills. It also means you do not arrive feeling rushed or out of breath. Dressing professionally is equally important. Find out about the company’s culture and dress code expectations.

Look at the company website for pictures of employees. Some companies in the city still expect suits and even a crisp white shirt. For other companies, even the colour of the suit can be crucial, and don’t forget to polish those shoes!. Looking and feeling confident in your appearance will translate into a confident interview delivery.

The Art of Active Listening

The interview is a conversation, and should be a two way street, with each person giving the other time to talk, listen and understand the other. Actively listen to the interviewer’s questions and comments. Make sure you understand the question or point of view ‘before’ you answer! This allows you to tailor your responses effectively and demonstrate genuine engagement with the opportunity, but is a skill many of us lack. Practice active listening. (Have a look at further reading 2!)

Taking the initiative to check understanding and ask insightful questions about the role and the company is another winning strategy.

This displays your preparation, enthusiasm, and desire to learn about the reality of the role, more about the team and their work – what does a typical day look like? What are the short- and long-term objectives? How is the company growing and what changes are expected?

The Power of appreciation and a Thank You

At the end of the interview, show your appreciation of their time and the valuable experience. After the interview, follow up with a thank-you email. It’s a small gesture that can have a significant impact. It expresses your gratitude for the interviewer’s time and reiterates your interest in the position. A well-written thank-you can serve as a gentle reminder of your skills, qualifications and solidify your place in the hiring manager’s mind.

landing your dream role - being successful at interviews

Beyond the Interview: Finding the Right Fit

Remember, the interview is a two-way street. While the company is assessing you, you’re also evaluating their suitability as a long-term employer. Use this opportunity to assess the company culture, the team dynamic, and whether the role aligns with your long-term career goals, and what opportunities there are for development and growth.

The importance of cultural fit cannot be overstated. Employees who feel aligned with their company’s values and work style are more likely to be engaged, productive, and ultimately, successful, especially if others see you that way too.


By adopting these strategies and approaching the interview process with preparation, confidence, and a focus on finding the right fit, you’ll be well on your way to landing your required role.

Take a deep breath, start preparing, highlight your skills, and ace that interview!

Further Reading

Found this blog useful? We have plenty more resources for you to dive into!

1 Add Value Through Effective Interviewing – blog, understand the other side of the table!

2 The Power of Active Listening – blog