Excel Training Hints & Tips

The Excel Status Bar

Discover some useful options available in the Excel status bar

The Excel status bar, which is located at the bottom right side of the Excel screen, is an often overlooked but informative feature in Excel. For example say you wanted to find the total, or average of a selection of cells, the status bar is quickest place to get the answer.

Let’s look at some of the different options available:

If you right click the status bar you get a list of options. Just tick or untick the options depending on what you will like to see in the status bar.

task bar options

If you want statistical information from selected cells in your worksheet you can tick Average, Count, Numerical count, Minimum, Maximum & Sum. Now every time you select cells in Excel you can read the statistical information in the status bar.

task bar show

If you are recording macros you can tick Macro Recording and the record macro button will be conveniently accessible in the status bar.

You can also declutter the Excel status bar by removing tools you don’t use. If you untick the View Shortcuts option you will remove the three shortcuts to change between Normal view, Page Break Preview & Page Layout view to the right on the status bar.
If you untick Zoom the zoom percentage will disappear from the right side of the status bar. You can also remove the Zoom Slider from the status bar.

Additional resources

Displaying text on the status bar

Status bar functions

Excel status bar options



By Richard Bailey

I love what I do; I get to work with an outstanding team to help hundreds of people with their challenges. I’ve learnt a lot from the teams I’ve worked with, no matter the size or industry we all have challenges to overcome, difficult customers, creating a budget or keeping a project on track.