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Tracking Performance using Conditional Formatting in Excel

Conditional Formatting is one of the most powerful tools in Excel. It can do so much to help you track data with relatively little time and effort. This ‘Quick Win’ tool can be mastered in a few simple steps. The blog will look at what Conditional Formatting is, how to apply it to data and what it can be useful for to improve performance tracking.

What is Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting is based on setting rules or conditions on specific data and if any of this data meets a rule then it will change its appearance in some way e.g. display an icon or change colour (see below)



In this example there are 3 separate rules all set according to specific bands or ranges of numbers. If a number falls into a specific band, then it will change to the appropriate colour. The world of finance has coined the term ‘RAG’ status – or Red, Amber, Green – to represent low, medium and high numbers. Excel has many pre-set icons and colour ranges to help you adopt this useful tracking system.


Why use Conditional Formatting

Think of situations where you might find this technique useful. For example, someone in HR might need to track all staff whose monthly sick days are greater than 4. Or an Events Organiser might want to colour code for each client on their books. Maybe an administrator needs to show when deadlines are about to be hit within 2 days, hit already or deadline has already passed all in different colours. Whatever the scenario, Conditional Formatting can vastly improve your data analysis techniques thus making you more productive.


How to apply Conditional Formatting

  1. Open ‘Revenue Table’ or similar dataset in Excel.
  2. Highlight all the sales figures and go to HOME > CONDITIONAL FORMATTING > HIGHLIGHT CELLS RULES:


  1. Select BETWEEN from the sub-list. This action brings up the following dialog box with red already set to a specific band:

  1. To customise your own bands, start with the highest first. Enter 100000 (lower limit) and 150000 (upper limit). From the ‘Drop down colour selector’, choose ‘Green Fill with Dark Green text’:



  1. With the figures still highlighted, repeat steps 2-4 setting the following rules/colours:


  1. The really amazing feature of Conditional Formatting once it’s created is that it is dynamic, i.e. the data will change colour if it meets the corresponding rule.
  2. For example, Ann Dodsworth’s revenue has increased to £51,000 so her revenue figure has changed from red to yellow (or amber):


Conditional Formatting in Excel can really help you understand your data in order to make insightful business decisions which in turn leads to greater profitability.

Data Visualisation Excel Training Hints & Tips Infographic

Data Visualisation in Excel

By Ann K. Emery

With an estimated user base of 500 million people worldwide, many of us use Excel at work and personally for home budgets, projects, to-do lists, and more.

It doesn’t take too much use of Excel before you reach the point of trying to express your data visually. This is where Excel charting options and other tools are on hand to help you with data visualisation in Excel.

What’s the right chart for your data visualisation in Excel?

Should it be a pie chart, bar chart, line charts, exploded charts? Well fret no longer, and read on!

In this article, I share four strategies for effective data visualisation in Excel:

  1. Consult a chart taxonomy
  2. Surround yourself with visualization inspiration
  3. Sketch plenty of drafts by hand
  4. Explore preliminary patterns via computer

Your data will shine, you can stop banging your head against the wall, and your viewers will applaud the visual clarity you’ve provided.

Strategy 1: Consult a Chart Taxonomy

First, gather inspiration from a chart taxonomy. By taxonomy, I mean diagrams that classify chart types and help you decide which one to use.

Excel’s Insert Chart Menu

This is the easiest taxonomy to use—the classic menu of Excel’s chart options that you’ve probably seen a million times before. The only problem is that some of these charts are, well, pretty rotten. Excel will suggest awful charts like 3D exploding pie charts and radar charts that are impossible to read and interpret. But, this menu is still a good starting point. And that’s where the additional taxonomies come in—to fill in the gaps.

Excel's Insert Chart Menu

Chart Suggestions—A Thought Starter

Andrew Abela has a well-known Chart Suggestions guide on This guide is wildly popular because he groups charts by function: comparison, distribution, composition, and relationship.

Andrew Abela's Chart Suggestions--A Thought Starter

The Graphic Continuum

Jon Schwabish released the Graphic Continuum in 2014. The project began as a large poster—you can see him holding it up. He also created 8.5 x 11 inch laminated reference cards.  Both the poster and reference cards are available on

Jon Schwabish's The Graphic Continuum

Essentials Chart Choosing Tool

A year and a half ago I started designing my own chart taxonomy. I sketched all the charts I use on a regular basis on 3.5 x 5 inch index cards.

Then, I sorted, sorted, sorted, and sorted. I thought about which charts were best for displaying patterns over time, which charts were best for part-to-whole dynamics, and so on.

Ann K. Emery's "Essentials" Chart Choosing Tool

I tried rearranging my thoughts into a handout, a PowerPoint slide, and even mind-mapping software. I wasn’t satisfied with the static versions I produced. Last fall, the Essentials chart choosing tool was born.

You can use the filters to explore the chart types on your own, just like I had sorted the index cards on my living room floor. You might focus on charts that are ideal for patterns over time, or for graphing a dispersion or spread of data, or on charts that can be made within Excel.

Data Visualisation in Excel - using the essentials chart choosing tool

Then, you can click on icons that interest you. Each chart has a separate page with a description, examples, and links to tutorials.

Strategy 2: Surround Yourself with Visualization Inspiration

Data visualization experts are constantly on the hunt for good examples.

On Twitter, I follow @NYTgraphics, @PostGraphics, and @PewResearch to ensure that my feed is full of strong visualizations.

On Pinterest, I store examples of everything from bar charts to computer-free visualizations, like charts made from stones, fruit, and paper.

I also print full-page, full-colour charts and tape them above my desk. When I’m beginning a new project, I glance up at my gallery to get ideas for chart styles.

Taping chart examples above your desk for inspiration

Strategy 3: Sketch Plenty of Drafts by Hand

I also sketch, draw, and doodle plenty of drafts before I create anything on the computer.

Here’s how it works:

  • Grab some scrap paper and markers, and then step away from the computer. Give your brain some creative time away from the screen rather than staring at a blank monitor.
  • Set the timer for 10, 20, or even 30 minutes. Doodle as many drafts as you can. I aim for at least 10 drafts of each dataset. Only the best one will survive the editing process.
  • Share drafts with colleagues early and often. Gather as much feedback as you can.
  • Next, create one or two of those promising drafts on the computer.
  • Edit, edit, edit! I adjust Excel’s default settings so that my charts follow the best practices outlined in the Data Visualization Checklist.
  • Put your easiest-to-follow chart in your final presentation or report.

The importance of sketching graphs on paper before sitting down to a blank computer screen

Strategy 4: Explore Preliminary Patterns via Computer

I also use quickie computer strategies, like Excel’s spark lines and conditional formatting, to help me narrow down the focus of my charts.

Spark Lines

Spark lines are miniature within-cell bar charts and line charts. They’re available in Excel 2010 and higher on both PCs and Macs.

To insert spark bars or spark lines, highlight the row or column that you’re interested in, and then head over to Insert > Spark Line.

It takes a lot of mental energy to read each and every number in this table, so spark lines provide an instant glimpse at the highs and lows in my dataset. I use these insights to think about which patterns I might want to visualize in my final product.

Using Excel's spark lines and spark bars to explore preliminary patterns in your dataset

Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is one of my favourite features of Excel. These features allow you to automatically colour-code your cells based on their contents.

To apply conditional formatting, highlight the rows or columns that you’re interested in, and then head over to Home > Conditional Formatting.

In this example, I turned my regular table into a heat table using Colour Scales. The larger numbers automatically get coloured in with darker colours and the smaller numbers get coloured in with lighter colours. Now, I can spot the highs and lows in my dataset instantly.

Sometimes I use these heat tables as inspiration for future charts, that is, to locate patterns that should get emphasized in other bar charts or line charts.

Other times, these heat tables are my final product. As shown below, I added a title and made this table printer-friendly. Then I can print the colour-coded table and share it as a handout at a meeting.

Using Excel's conditional formatting (automatic color-coding based on the cell's contents) to explore preliminary patterns in your dataset

What are your strategies for selecting the right chart for your dataset? Please share your tips in the comments section below and for the best Excel training courses have a look at the full range of our courses.