Professional & Management Sales & Customer Service

Service Customer-isation

Service Customer-isation

If delivery is the product, whether that be a physical object or a professional skill, then service is the vehicle that provides it. Service defines business. It is how our customers, clients and guests attach real-time value. The key component that sets us apart from our competitors. Typically business will focus on product and blend wholesale price, utilities and labour costs to match competitors. Then they will squeeze everything into stylish branding.

With the substantial investment thrown at public image it is no wonder that clients and customers are easily dissatisfied with their buying experience. Yet for those who customise their vehicle of service into something unique and spectacular, the rewards can be both far reaching and considerable.

The formula of ‘want’ and ‘need’

I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. I was in the restaurant up to my elbows in a prep list big enough to cover the weekend off. It was a Friday morning just after 9am. The guest was in a frantic state. He wanted a table reserved for the evening. He had forgotten his wedding anniversary and was desperate to spoil his wife but also knew how busy we were at week-ends. We are his wife’s favourite restaurant. Could I help him?

I scour the reservations and reassure him that with a bit of juggling I can sort it. He goes from terrified to relieved. I will call him back in two hours to confirm. I put the phone down and focus on arranging flowers and champagne and something special for dessert. I phone him back at the arranged time. In a calm voice he says how grateful he is. He has had time to think and asks if I can arrange flowers and champagne. Question – should a guest or a client have to ask a professional to be considerate?

Anticipation or incarceration?

I had a call from my bank’s fraud division, specialists at electronic surveillance and bank security. My bank card had been hacked and my account suspended. Grateful that the funds are secure the concern I have is that I have weeks of work overseas coming up. I am financially stranded. I ask if the fraud division can offer suggestions or an alternative, they say no! I will have to wait a week for the new card to arrive in the post. I am distraught. Cancelling clients is against everything I stand for. I am now desperately trying to remember the workshop on conflict management.

After hours of searching online I discover android and apple pay. I call the bank back – could they call me with the new card number? I could then pay using my phone as a contactless point. They say it sounds like a good idea as they will have the new number in a day or so.

I’ve also discovered that I can use the Western Union app to transfer cash directly through currency exchange offices – found everywhere. The technological edge of a modern-day fraud division again confirm that it is a great idea. Would you call this ‘helpful banking’? Does your knowledge anticipate your client’s requirements, or does the lack of it incarcerate them?

Just another line.

In every aspect of business, how we present our service is the impact we make on our share of the market place. It is how brands are identified and valued. It is the opportunity that a client presents to us that will be our greatest marketing promotion.

Customer service training londonAnd most people know how to wield the power of social media. Going ‘viral’ has huge possibilities. Embracing it can encourage an unlimited supply of free marketing. An opportunity to use creativity from a sphere of customer loyalty. Whereas businesses throw vast sums at advertising, savvy clients can use their immense networks to neutralise and ridicule these expensive efforts.

Is it truly customers first, understanding needs and wants? Is your business polishing reputation on the badge of branding? Do you sincerely believe that service should exceed expectations? Or is your slogan just another line – to proudly promote or to be used as a punchline?


Soft Skills

Pro-Calibre – The Great Team Player

Pro-Calibre  –The great team player


Team Management rates surprising second in employability skills

There are ten employability skills highly regarded by corporations today. When Kent University conducted a survey to uncover and rate the most valuable, the results were surprising. With Time Management at number ten and Verbal Communication rated at number one, Teamwork came in at a surprising number two.

We have a whole range of soft skills training workshops available!

Natural skill or inherent talent?

When you consider the skills of Teamwork, trying to define or explain it can sound like a cliché. Is a great team player naturally gifted or can an understanding of the skills take an average professional and turn them into a pro-calibre player?

Maybe this story can explain. There were two elite footballers (strikers) who played for one of the biggest clubs in UK if not the world. There was history between the two and a grudge had developed. It was alleged they never spoke off the field. However, on the field they played their hearts out and in 1999 the team won everything; European Cup, Premiership and FA Cup.

Maintaining Team Integrity

But both players knew that if the team won, as individuals they won. And the team won big time. Yet how can a person work with someone they don’t like? If I don’t like working with someone should I speak my mind and instigate subtle efforts to be abrasive? What if I refused to work with them? The results may not be in your favour. The Manager of the successful football team was notorious for removing players, even superstars, to maintain the integrity of the team. So is the true calibre of the Pro being able to remain professional even if it goes against their personal feelings?

team-building courses londonHow difficult has it been not to rebuke a decision of a senior manager, or even challenge a harsh comment by a client? There are merits to this. Should the individual focus on what’s best for the team even if it means a sacrifice of personal identity?  Is the focus of all-for-one and one-for-all the philosophy to develop that Pro-calibre status? A belief that when people combine effort they simply achieve incredible results, regardless of how we feel about each other.

Merging Personal and Team Identity without Sacrifice

History must be our guide. From monstrous buildings to feats of genetically empowered science, when our minds and efforts merge, we not only reach for the stars, we grab one. It is the strength of the team that consistently outperforms expectations and embodies company ethos. The philosophy that together we stand, with similar ideals and a fierce goal to win, that will reap the rewards.

Pro-Calibre; Raising your Game

That Pro-Calibre can only be defined when I make others feel that their contribution is important, no matter how small. The level of my job status in hierarchy can only add the dynamic potency to this. As a Leader this ability to acknowledge contribution can set a tone of business that all who come in contact will intuitively recognise. And consequently, they will want more exposure to it. This isn’t a feel good factor it is the attitude of wanting to win, to be the best. It raises our game. For most professional coaches there is a line of thought that there are ten qualities that make a great team player. I think there is just one. What do you think? In a team is it the recognition of others that inspires your performance, or is it the pay cheque?

How about raising your game even further through training? We have finance for non finance managers London courses as well as a number of minute taking courses available. See which training soft skill course would suit you!