Professional & Management Professional Development

Proven Influence. The Efficient Way to get your Way


The PROVEN influence model – an efficient way to get your way

Influence others to get what you need quickly
The art of influence

Wouldn’t it be great if we could quickly secure the willing cooperation of others, rather than face resistance? Imagine how efficient decision-making, meetings and relationship management could become if you mastered the art of influence.

This is why improving your influencing skills is key – the more effective, the easier it will be to get what you want. Do people mind being influenced? No, usually because if done well they don’t know it just happened. The influencing process can be extremely subtle and discreet ( and there are a number of aids to help with that, including our training negotiation courses). On the other hand, people do mind being coerced or manipulated, so be careful!

The PROVEN model

Let’s consider the PROVEN influencing model. You’ll need to prepare this in advance for best results.

Proposal: The first step is to state your Proposal – what is it you want? You may need them to do something for you, perhaps a favour. Or you may be selling a product or service. Whatever it is, you suspect they will offer resistance!

Reasons: Now you’ve given them the what, they need to know why – give the Reasons. This is where telling becomes selling. Decide on either the carrot or stick approach. To dangle the carrot, you’ll need WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?). This question is a huge motivator for any person. Sell the benefits of your proposal from their perspective – tell them what’s in it for them.

Alternatively, there’s always the stick approach – remind them of the terrible things that could happen if they don’t do what you want. The SIS model is very effective here: explain the current situation (I really need you to do this for me), explain that if it doesn’t happen there could be serious implications (we could be in big trouble), and then offer the solution (if you do this for me, we’ll be fine). When using SIS, it’s unlikely you’ll make people happy – but they’ll understand why they’re not.

Objections: Step 3 is to deal with any Objections. While you’ve been offering reasons why they should comply, they’ll be offering reasons why they shouldn’t. Acknowledge their objections (that’s a good point – but have you thought about..?).

Verify: Now it’s time to Verify that overall, your proposal is still worthwhile. No proposal is perfect, and you’re aware of the downsides, but the positives outweigh them, so we should be doing this.

Evidence: Any Evidence you can provide will also be useful. In his book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini listed his influencing rules, one of which is social proof. If I can show you that what I’m asking you to do has already been done by many others, then it’s a much more persuasive argument.

Next steps: Finally, assuming your influencing skills have worked, they will want to know about the Next steps in the process. Ok, but what do you need from me?


So, what have we learnt? The ability to influence and persuade those around us and gain their willing cooperation is a wonderful thing. It leads to improved communication and even an increase in productivity.

Use the PROVEN model to state your proposal, and give the reasons behind it. Acknowledge any objections and overcome them by verifying that it’s still a good idea. Provide evidence to boost your argument, and then let them know about the next steps.

And here’s the bonus – this model can be applied both professionally and domestically!

Professional & Management Professional Development Soft Skills

The Importance of Effective Communication Skills

6 assertive techniques to improve your communication

We interact with people all the time to exchange information, and we want our communication to be efficient and well received. Where there are longstanding relationships, we want them to be preserved. But what if we must tell someone something they don’t want to hear and we’re dreading it?

The truth is that these difficult messages need to be delivered, or there could be a serious impact on the productivity of your team. So, try adopting an assertive approach (our assertiveness course can teach you how). Not the aggressive bully, or the passive doormat, but the best of both worlds. With assertiveness communication becomes easy and much more enjoyable.

How to become more assertive
Where can I find assertiveness training near me ?

Walk the assertive path

So, what is assertiveness? Peter Honey once said that it’s all about rights. In any situation, I have rights – but so do you. When we are assertive, we stand up for our rights (and the company’s), whilst respecting the rights of the other person.

Aggressive people stand up for their rights, but in a way that crushes other’s rights, causing upset and offence. Careful – if you try too hard to be assertive, you can be perceived as aggressive!

Passive people put the rights of others before their own. They get taken advantage of, become stressed and often explode and then become aggressive! It’s always the quiet ones…

Six assertive techniques to try

Basic assertion: simply make a statement of your needs, wants or beliefs. Top tip: use ‘I’ statements. ‘I’d like to talk to you about the current project’. You’re putting your thoughts out there, but not demanding, or waiting for someone to read your mind. You say what needs to be said.

Empathetic assertion: here we combine empathy with basic assertion, e.g. ‘I can tell you’re frustrated, but let’s talk this through’.

Self-Disclosure assertion: use this technique to let someone know the effect their behaviour is having on you: ‘I find it frustrating when you interrupt me, I’d appreciate it if you let me explain’.

Discrepancy assertion: making someone aware that what they said they would do, and what they are actually doing, are not the same thing. For example, ‘you told me the report would be ready by 4pm, but now you’re saying it will be 10am tomorrow. I’d like to know the reason for the delay’.

Consequence assertion: making someone aware of the consequences of a continued behaviour. For example, ‘I want to help, but if you continue to shout and swear I will have to end this call’.

Refusing assertively: assertiveness means not refusing, but negotiating. Offer options and alternatives. Nobody said no, we just agreed on a different yes! A yes that is mutually acceptable.

So, what have we learnt? Assertiveness is a great way to communicate with others. You achieve your goals, while building and strengthening relationships and overall improving the efficiency of your communications. With assertiveness communication becomes much easier. You are approachable; people are happy to work with you and for you. And you don’t walk around with a head full of ‘what if’ questions, because you say what needs to be said. All I’m saying is, give yourself that chance!