Professional & Management Professional Development Soft Skills

Secrets to Achieving Excellent Presentation Skills

Even if you’re a charismatic person in the office, giving a presentation can feel like an incredibly daunting task that you just aren’t comfortable with. Even if you’re used to speaking in public, giving a detailed presentation can be very difficult if you’ve not had any experience. So in this post, we’re going to talk about a couple of secrets that you can use to achieve fantastic presentation skills. 

1. Learning to control your nerves and convert it into excitement

It’s normal to feel nervous when you’re standing in front of a dozen or hundreds of people who are eagerly waiting for you to start speaking. That level of nervousness can easily overwhelm you and make you stutter or speak quietly as you tremble in your shoes, but there’s a trick to helping you mask your nerves. 

Presentation tips for dealing with nerves
Think of the audience as exciting, not scary

It involves converting that nervousness into energy to help you give a more positive presentation. You can start by speaking louder and letting go of your nerves. You can be more excited, incorporate some body language into your presentation and even impart your personality and emotions into your speech. Converting a negative emotion like anxiety and fear into something productive is a secret that many of the world’s greatest public speakers use.  Another option is taking our presentation skills course London – it can help you feel confident whilst delivering a talk or a speech.

 2. Productive rehearsals and feedback from your test audience

Rehearsals don’t just happen in front of a mirror. You should learn to speak more and become more charismatic, but you won’t achieve those goals by just talking into a mirror. Instead, you should focus on performing in front of a group of people such as friends or colleagues that won’t be afraid to give you some advice on how to improve. 

This will get you used to looking people in the eye as you speak to them and it’s also a great way to get used to converting your negative emotions like anxiety into positive energy to speak louder and use your body as a way to communicate as well. 

 3The best presentations require a lot of planning

Planning is vital for your presentation. In fact, we recommend spending several weeks if possible on revising your presentation and also producing extra materials such as images, videos, sound clips and even answers to potential questions that your audience might ask.  

Improve your presentation with good planning
Plan carefully for best results

If you’re well-prepared and plan ahead, then you’ll find that there’s less improvisation needed during your actual presentation and you’ll be ready for anything. Planning is one of the key steps to helping you pull off a fantastic presentation, so don’t take it likely. 

 4. Turning your presentation into a story

Imbuing your presentation with a narrative is a fantastic way to make it more human and easier to follow. Turning your presentation into a story can be difficult, but it’s not impossible and will require some creative writing in order to set the scene and make it believable. 

If you’re able to add a narrative to any of your presentations, then it will hook your audience and get them emotionally invested in your performance.  

We’ve also added a handy infographic that lists a couple of advanced presentation skills that are great for compelling your audience and increasing the likelihood of grabbing their attention. 

Tips for presentations
Advanced Presentation Skills
Management Training Professional & Management Sales & Customer Service

Top Trends in Business Intelligence Worth Knowing 

Business intelligence continues to be an important sector for businesses everywhere. As data becomes more and more important, and we find new ways to collect and analyse it, it’s vital to keep up with how things are changing and growing. Business intelligence analysts need to keep their finger on the pulse in this fast-growing field to ensure they stay up to date on best practices. Some of the things influencing business intelligence include ethics, new technologies, connecting with consumers and different models for analysing data. Each year brings new trends in business intelligence that are worth paying attention to if you want to be at the cutting edge and improve business efficiency.  

Use of natural language with tech 

Technology is great for doing things for us, but it’s not always so great and understanding or using English (or other languages). You might have to use specific keywords to get a tool to do something for you, even if it doesn’t sound that natural. But advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) are improving computer performance by helping them to understand human language more easily. A person can have a more natural “conversation” with a system, asking it questions that flow in more of a pattern and don’t need to be asked as individual, standalone questions. 

Connecting analytics and action 

Analytics is essential for driving efficient business decisions
Use analytics to inform actions

Collecting and analysing data is all very good, but that data has to be put to use as well. Analytics might reveal some interesting trends, but the next step is to turn them into actions. Business intelligence platforms are evolving to put both data and actions in the same place. By doing this, productivity is improved because it isn’t disrupted by having to switch between applications. Some things that are helping include mobile analytics, embedded analytics and dashboard extensions, which all ensure people have access to the analytics that they need in more convenient ways. 

More ethical behaviour for social good 

The ethics of data collection and analysing have been hot topics in the last few years. With the EU introducing their new GDPR legislation, everyone has had to take a good look at how and why they use people’s data. What ethical data practice might look like in the future is essential to consider. When data is used, it could be put towards a good cause, with the “data for good” movement growing. Social causes can be driven by the ethical use of data, and it’s becoming more affordable for nonprofits and charities thanks to technology like cloud computing. 

Telling stories with data 

Use data to create a story others can understand
Create a story with your data

Translating data into language that others can understand is an important skill for any business intelligence analyst. Data storytelling takes data and turns it into something that makes sense for even those who don’t spend all day analysing it. Data visualisation is a key tool for making data more presentable and digestible for everyone. Good storytelling and visualisation requires people who are good at communicating their findings and ideas. 

Business intelligence is always changing, so keeping up with the latest trends is essential.