Leadership Development Management Training Professional & Management Professional Development

6 Proven Steps to Implement Organisational Change

The challenge of change

Anything new or different in our lives means change. Isn’t that exciting? Apparently not! When asked about change, most people will answer that they do not like it. Why? Usually because their comfort zone is in jeopardy. That wonderful protective bubble that we lovingly construct around ourselves. In the comfort zone, life is good. In a routine, we go through the motions each day, and we like it. The comfort zone is warm and fluffy and protects us from the horrors of the outside world. Until the evil change manager makes an appearance, destroying my comfort zone and dragging me kicking and screaming by the ankles to unfamiliar territory.

Managing Organisational Change Training London STL
Managing Change







As change managers, what can we do to overcome this? Let’s give your change project a good chance of SUCCESS:

Shared vision

Change is often told, but not sold. This is why people don’t buy it. Create a shared vision for your team. A vision of what life will look like once they have got on board with the change and successfully implemented it. Paint a picture of their future that is attractive, compelling and inspiring. You want them to achieve it, but can you make them want it too? Can you make them willingly pursue the goal? Think of Martin Luther King’s famous speech in 1963: “I have a dream…”

Understanding of the organisation

The more you know about your organisation, the better. It brings context into the picture, along with imminent trends, threats and a sense of short to long term goals.

Do your homework before announcing any changes. This leads nicely into:

Cultural alignment

Make sure your change implementation effort is aligned to your organisations’ culture. Is it open to change, or resistant? Has there been a lot of change recently, making people more receptive? Or, does the opposite apply? Maybe have things been stable for a while and people have forgotten what change feels like? This might mean that your announcement of change may not be well received.


Simply put, a vital factor in successfully implementing change. Next, how will it be communicated? Do the stakeholders prefer face to face meetings, conference calls, mass email, or a poster on the wall next to the coffee machine? Or all of the above? Who needs to be consulted before a decision is made, or informed afterwards? A stakeholder communication plan works extremely well here.

London Training Change Management
Communication: one key to change management

Experienced help where necessary

Sometimes we can’t do it all on our own. A change project usually requires a project team to get the work done. Use the human resources at your disposal.

Strong leadership

A good leader leads by example and is a strong and effective role model. Good leaders have willing followers. They understand why they should follow and are happy to do so. They’re engaged. If you believe in and are excited by the change, they will be. If you’re not, it could be an uphill battle to harness team productivity and performance.

Stakeholder buy-in

How do we get the stakeholders to buy-in to change? Consider the vital question: What’s in it for them? Sell them the benefits of the change from their perspective: “what this means for you is…”

Alternatively, you could try Situation, Implications, Solution (SIS) – another form of leverage. Tell them about the current situation (changes are coming), describe the implications of change failure (bad publicity, lose customers, disaster) and propose the solution (let’s get together and implement the change!).


Most people don’t like change. So, if we’re going to implement one, we need to;

  • create a shared vision
  • understand our organisation and its culture
  • communicate effectively
  • get help if required
  • lead effectively
  • obtain stakeholder buy-in.

Good luck!

Professional Development

How to Improve your Listening Skills to be a better Leader

Read any book or article about the necessary talents to be a great Leader, and effective communication skills are dominate, particularly the ability to be a great listener. Mastering listening is one of the five key essentials in communication that every Manager needs.

To get you started, follow these 5 practical tips:

1) Use open questions, not just closed

When you want to uncover your customers needs, improve your negotiation techniques, or understand why there is conflict, use open questions. They are key in understanding the other persons position.

Some people get into the habit of asking closed questions or searching for quick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses. They make assumptions to try and save time. Open questions are powerful initiators to the art of listening and begin with who, where, what, how and why?

2) Adapt your listening style to the other person’s culture.

 When working with international clients and colleagues, it’s important to adapt your listening style. I worked in Asia for 10 years and found that professionals in China are extremely respectful. They listen intensely to others, especially their Leaders. They acknowledge what is being said ‘carefully’ and with quiet empathy. Be aware of who you are speaking to, because their culture should influence your listening style.

3) Practise listening without interrupting

You may have heard about active listening, it is an important technique to master and uses the powers of the senses. Being able to listen without interrupting is a powerful skill. One of the world’s leading sound experts, Julian Treasure said in his viral TED talk – 5 ways to listen betterwe are losing our listening.“

5 ways to listen better | Julian Treasure | TED

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Next time you engage with colleagues, clients or family, listen with intent. You may discover more than you might imagine and build an even stronger relationship.

4) Don’t think about what you will say while the other person is speaking.

In this interesting article in the Huffington Post there is a unique definition of effective listening:

Listening involves letting the person finish their sentence completely and orientating your response around them, not yourself.

Listen without thinking about a response or question, therefore avoiding the distractions of how you are going to reply. This will help you to see non-verbal cues and identify those things that are not being said.

5) Actively listen for what’s under the surface

Look for cues in tone and body language and actively seek what’s not being said but being suggested. This can be led by the emphasis on how the person presents the conversation, their conviction and their attitude.

Take the next step

If you are a new or an experienced Manager, there is no doubt that effective listening skills are essential. They optimise productivity, efficiency and performance. With so much at stake, I encourage you to make a start as soon as possible. Find out more with our Effective Communication Training Course.