Professional & Management Professional Development Soft Skills

Why People With Soft Skills Enhance Company Performance

“Soft skills”, “People skills”, “Essential skills” however you want to badge them, these are skills that organisations are seeking from their people, in whatever field they work.


In a report by the World Economic Forum it was stated that many soft skills are seen as rising in importance and relevance in today’s business world. Unfortunately soft skills for some, are seen as inferior to the hard skills. Usually this is because they are less easy to measure or quantify. At school we are taught maths, science literacy. But how many of us were taught how to be resilient, empathic, or good at teamwork?

Organisations often expect people to just possess these skills and assume that everyone understands the importance of (as examples), being able to manage your time, to be able to connect with that stakeholder, to pacify that angry customer, or really fully understand what solution someone is after from you.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are non-technical skills that a business needs to enable productivity, efficiency but also profitability. Some people naturally excel at these as a result of their personality or values. On the other hand, many others need assistance and training in these essential skills.


Examples of soft skills:

  • Communication
  • Resilience
  • Adaptability
  • Conflict management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Teamwork
  • Problem solving
  • Leadership skills
  • Time management
  • Initiative
  • Critical thinking
  • Decisiveness


Why they matter

Soft skills really matter as they not only benefit the individual, but the team and ultimately the organisation. They are necessary at every level in the workplace, from apprentice to CEO; they are also transferrable across roles and organisations and are often timeless. On the other hand, skills learnt in technology for example. These are skills which we need to modify or even re-learn as products progress. We can either update or we may become obsolete. Soft skills help with working relationships, reduce conflict and misunderstandings. As a result, building soft skills will enable a resilient, creative, and adaptable workforce.



What is the impact?

Companies and organisations that have staff with good soft skills have a better and far healthier culture. They have proactive and confident employees who work well together with customers and other stakeholders. Employees are also far more adaptable in fast paced environments. They can problem solve.

For example, those who master technology in all its forms are absolutely necessary – but without being able to connect with people and understand them and how that technology can gain more customers, sell more products, grow a business, help others, or satisfy stakeholders it won’t matter!



In another report by McKinsey, they stated that as well as a demand for technological skills, there will also be a rise in social and emotional and higher cognitive skills by 2030. As we all know, there is a rise in automation, A.I., machine learning and robotics. These cannot replace soft skills. People want to deal with people that can connect with them, can empathise and communicate easily with them, and don’t treat them just like a resource or a statistic.

Leadership Development Management Training

Delegate to Increase Productivity

Delegation is a necessary and vital tool for Managers if you want your team to be productive. But letting go and allowing your team members to take on tasks and projects can be scary.


Common Challenges


Do any of the following statements sound familiar to you?

    • It takes too long to explain
    • It’s easier to do it myself
    • They’re not able to do it the way I want it done
    • It is too risky


If yes, then know you are not alone. But also know that if you keep using these excuses, you won’t save time, develop others, or reduce your stress levels. More importantly productivity will fall and so will your reputation as a Manager.


Underlying many of these excuses is that the Manager doesn’t feel they have the skills to delegate effectively and fears failure. However, when you successfully delegate, you give and receive far more value than you may realise.




So why should I delegate?

There are many benefits to effective delegation, not least reduction of your own stress levels, but today I want to focus on the direct impact on productivity.

Too often Managers are reluctant to delegate responsibility for decision making as they feel it takes away their authority. However, this creates a decision making bottleneck that can be costly. When staff are empowered to complete a task and make decisions, there’s less waiting around for the manager to sign off. Things get done! And when things get done, the sense of achievement is increased, which improves motivation and job satisfaction.

Managers are also guilty of not delegating work of high return or value. By taking the time to coach staff and enabling them to take on these responsibilities gives them the opportunity to challenge themselves and loyalty and productivity improves as a result. Or at least it doesn’t decrease.

Finally, by empowering your team, the work will still be conducted in your absence without unnecessary delays.

What should I delegate?

Instead of thinking that you need to do everything, take a look at the tasks and work on your desk and place each into the appropriate box below.


productiveI must do

This box is for work that only you have the authority to do, work with short deadlines and work that only you have the skills and knowledge to do.

I must do, others can help

Remember, helping is not delegating. This is an opportunity to coach someone in part of a task or project in preparation for them taking responsibility at a later date.

Others can do, I can help

this is work you will delegate full responsibility for to someone else. You will coach and help them, but they will be responsible from now on

Others can do – Delegation

this is work you are confident to delegate full responsibility for without the need to spend much time coaching.



This technique not only helps you to prioritise your own work, it also ensures that you are not always delegating work to the same people you feel you are able to rely on to do a good job immediately.  It helps you to focus on where you need to provide coaching or assistance and informs your team development plan.

Final Thoughts

remember, delegation is not about dumping the work you don’t like onto others, it is about creating a more skilled and versatile team. Employees who feel respected, trusted, and valued are more productive and more efficient.