Professional & Management Professional Development

Stress Management: Solutions to improve Performance 


The True Impact of Stress

When we talk about stress, what do we actually mean?

Managing stress in the workplace
Taking control of stress is essential








Stress is change that is happening too fast for the individual or indeed, a society. It is even more pronounced when we feel powerless to stop it, or it doesn’t suit where we want to go.

Stress related illnesses can range from despair and depression, anxiety, heart palpitations, to raised blood pressure and panic attacks.

Why is change itself stressful when it is the natural order of things? Not one second remains the same, so why do we believe lives should also stay so?

As our self-awareness expands, change happens more quickly as new understandings and perspectives become known to us. Is it finding out certain truths that we fear or find challenging? For example a relationship that doesn’t serve us any longer, or work pressures taking their toll on our health?

Anger or disappointment, if not channelled, can turn in on itself and lead to feelings of gloom, despondency and emptiness.

Sometimes, though, we are desperate to change and feel stuck. The more we desire it, the more we feel like we are banging our heads on a brick wall. This builds up the pressure inside us until one day, we do something dramatic, or dangerous even, to upend the status quo.

When we refuse to examine the negative situations we find ourselves in, events often conspire to shake us awake in ways that can feel shocking. We are left wondering why we didn’t listen to ourselves when those signals first became apparent.

The mind – the spirit- loves new things, change and challenges, if only we’d stop the ego dictating terms and keeping us ‘small’.

Tips for managing stress
Keep on top of stress

Honour Change, Take Control. We can only gain equilibrium if we understand that Life is change. That a master plan for humanity exists. That the ways we’ve been carrying on no longer work and are making us ill. At that catalytic point, we gain understanding and determination. We are now in control and the stress is being used ‘positively’ to drive the new forward, instead of overwhelming us.

Hold your Vision, Calm your Mind. A good coping strategy would be to write down what you are aiming for. If you can’t think how to rectify the situation, write down what WOULD help you, so that your mind is calmed. Focus on that and not on the current situation, as that only gives it more power.

Focus on the Outcome, Change your Perspective. Instead of struggling, allow the path to unfold.  The mere acceptance that it is unfolding, even when we can’t see it yet – can often release pent-up stress. We are now using the ‘energy’ to create the new (that is, taking concrete steps towards our goals or following an action plan) and not using it to beat ourselves up.

Out of Chaos, comes Peace. The chaos which surrounds us can then be viewed as necessary to take us to calmer waters. That takes a strong and calm mind. Meditation and connection with the self is crucial. If we can calm the mind and work out what is valuable and what is trivial, we can start to tame the stressors and be kinder to ourselves along the way.

Professional & Management Sales & Customer Service

 6 Tips to Improve Sales and Customer Service 


For many businesses, 2019 is a brand new fiscal year. Targets are set, commitments and guarantees agreed, but have you thought about whether your customer service lives up to your standards and expectations? Is it efficient, streamlined?

How can businesses expect to grow and generate more revenue from both their existing client base and new customers if their service is not set at the highest standard?

Rather than rushing to set goals for new business and productivity, why not think about what you can do to improve your service standard? It seems so straightforward…. Create happy customers and benefit from their business long term.

In theory that’s fine, however the foundation of positive customer service needs to be firmly embedded in the company culture. You service team needs to live, breathe and execute on these principles across the board; whether it’s a phone call, face to face meeting, an email, live chat or a written document.

The building blocks that every customer service model can be built upon are:


Improving sales and customer service
Good customer service is key to a growing business

There will never be a better opportunity to stand out from the crowd than when a new customer is shopping around, and they approach you. Be friendly, concise, careful not to push too hard and be respectful of their buying timeframe. Engage them in conversation and listen closely to what they need. Fulfil this interaction by completing any agreed follow up in a timely manner.

There are a number of courses which can help develop empathy and putting oneself in someone else’s shoes, including our emotional intelligence training London courses. A personable approach, full of understanding and empathy toward the client can help win more business than a hard-headed attitude.


This can be an opportunity to stand out and exceed your customers’ expectations. A lot of businesses have turnaround times that suit them, but not always their customers. Having a habit or a mantra of consistently over delivering builds trust long term.


Always invest in the time it takes to research your customers. Your knowledge of how their business works and the challenges they face will serve you well as you develop the business relationship. Research their Company website, LinkedIn page, TrustPilot reviews, and Glassdoor or Facebook pages to really understand their business. Think about the language they use, their values and what matters to them.


If I don’t know the answer, be honest. Your openness will establish your credibility and integrity in the eyes of your customer.


A lot of businesses out there will only publish the very best feedback, or harness reviews for the sole purpose of business introductions. Being completely transparent will cement your credibility and win business, but more than that, it builds trust.


Holding to these factors and making them a habit leads to increased levels of customer satisfaction, added long term value, longer serving customer relationships and increasing levels of profitability.