Application Data Visualisation Microsoft

8 Major Benefits of Microsoft Power BI You Must Know

Having the right business intelligence at your fingertips is crucial in the drive to become agile and competitive. As businesses grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage data being generated regularly. With a siloing effect and biased reporting structures, it leads to the decision makers in business to make their judgement on data that may be inaccurate or else incorrect altogether.

Microsoft have brought to the fore their analytics tool – Power BI, the reporting tool that allows enterprises to easily visualise and analyse their data to transform their operations.

Microsoft’s Power BI is a cloud-based tool that requires no initial Cap Ex or infrastructure support regardless of the size of the business. Just like any Microsoft Cloud Services, implementation of Power BI is rapid hassle free.


Here are a few valued competencies of the Power BI Tool:

Integrates effortlessly with your existing applications.

Power BI can plug straight in to your existing business environment allowing you to adopt the analytics and reporting capabilities


Feature rich personalised dashboards

The feature everyone is talking about with Power BI are the information dashboards which of course are customisable to adapt and meet the requirements of any business.


Publish reports securely

Here you set up an automatic data refresh and publish reports so that multiple users across the business can take advantage of the latest information.


No memory or speed constraints

Transferring an existing BI system to a powerful cloud environment with Power BI Embedded eliminates memory and speed constraints ensuring that the data is quickly retrievable and analysed.



No specialist technical support required

Power BI’s provides agile inquiry and analysis without the requirement for technical support. Because of the powerful natural language interface and the use of intuitive graphical designed tools.

Extracting business intelligence accurately and rapidly

It helps in transforming your enterprise data into rich and attractive visual representations, therefore extracting business intelligence for more enhanced and informed decision making.


Balanced simplicity and performance

The in-memory analysis technology and DAX scripting language are both exquisite examples of a balance between simplicity and performance.


Supports advanced data services

Power BI can be integrated seamlessly even with an advanced cloud services framework. Providing the results for the verbal data query using natural language.



By Richard Bailey

I love what I do; I get to work with an outstanding team to help hundreds of people with their challenges. I’ve learnt a lot from the teams I’ve worked with, no matter the size or industry we all have challenges to overcome, difficult customers, creating a budget or keeping a project on track.