macro training course

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Macro training course

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Rees has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Macro training course

Hi Guys,

I am refreshing myself with the practice material from the VBA Intermediate Introduction course and I came across a piece of code, called the "CopyHeadings", which would not work. I keep being given a "Runtime Error '9'" and told the "Subscript is out of range".

Is anybody able to help me out with this. I know the reason is probably simple, however, i think I need a fresh pair of eyes.

Specific code can be provided if required!


RE: Macro training course

Hi Rees,

Thank you for your enquiry.

Firstly check the Variable names and the references to any sheet names and make sure there are no spelling mistakes in the sheet names.

If this doesn't resolve it could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet today so I can have a look at the code.

Please send it to:

Looking forward to receiving the file.




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